Published on November 18, 2005 By The Headmaster In WinCustomize Talk
Three Years Of Anniversary

UserID: 418265
Member Since: 11/18/2002

Friday, November 18, 2005

Today mark 3 years anniversary since I’ve become a member here at wincustomize though I’ve been around before I decided to register. During this course I have gained some useful knowledge and some great friends I shall never forget. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have been supporting me and encourage me to grow. I don’t view you as fans, but as true friends. I really thank you all for your priceless kindness from the bottom of my heart.

I’m not Mr. Know It All or Mr. Knowledge, nor Mr. Perfect. There were times that I miss expressing myself or saying the right thing the wrong way causing others to call me a thief, but the memories I’ll take with me is the good time that I had with my friends here.

What next? I still have no intention on becoming a skinner, but I’m working on some projects just as a thank you to my true friends. My time is limited, but I’ll give them my best.

You can also find me at to find out what I’m up to.

Once again, thank you to all of you friends who have been around.

-__ __-

on Nov 18, 2005
on three happy years ....

and believe that many more will come ... !!!!
on Nov 18, 2005
glad you are coming to terms with past difficulties